Apple Rolls

Product Informations

Name:Apple Rolls
Packs:2 Pcs - 6 Pcs - 12 Pcs
Description:Soft Biscuits Filled with Apple Jam

Shipping Information

Item Code Configuration Apprx. Gross Weight in Carton Apprx. No. of Cartons in 40’ HC. FCL. Apprx. Total Gross Weight
91110404 6 x 18 x 21g 2.85 5996 17,088
91110405 8 x 36 x 21g 6.88 3088 21,245
91110407 6 x 18 x 25g 3.255 5996 19,516
91110416 24 x 63g 1.74 10964 19,077
91110417 24 x 75g 1.95 10964 21,379
91110421 24 x 126g 3.27 6228 20,365
91110422 24 x 150g 3.9 6228 24,289